
Challenge to existing workflows focused on blockchain technologies ・・・


We raise a creditworthiness of blockchain technologies, pursue the possibility and diversity in the business, and contribute to society through the next generation’s key infrastructure construction of network society.

To play an important role of the significant field in the future, we challenge the new technology.

Business details

Company overview

Company Name
Incorporation of the Company
CEO Ryuzo Nakazumi
Executive Vice President Norio Ishida
Director  Dai Okui
16.5 million yen
〒151-0053 Nakazawa Building 4F,Yoyogi 1-58-11,Shibuya ward,Tokyo
03-5358-5105 / FAX:03-5358-5103

Director introduction

CEO Ryuzo Nakazumi

Graduated School of Business and Finance (the degree of Master of Business Administration), Waseda University.

n charge of corporate sales for 13 years at Sumitomo Banking, Ltd. (currently Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation) (Securities cord;8316).

He established M.P. Technologies Co., Ltd. that provides high speed Internet access and video on demand. He assumed the vice president.It is listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers (Securities cord;3734) in 2004.

It is the world’s largest company offering HSIA and VOD systems to 70,000 rooms of luxury hotels. He established joint venture companies with Softbank group, Shanghai University, and the others. After that, he became an executive officer of HIKARI TSUSHIN, INC. (Securities cord;9435). He established many joint venture companies during the time, and became the directors of each companies. He worked as an advisor to AZplanning Co., Ltd. (Securities cord;3490).

Executive Vice President Norio Ishida

He joined M.P. Technologies Co., Ltd., and led the development group to lead the development of the first digital video on demand system and development of Leopalace 21 corporation “Leonet”.

In 2007, ENACES Corporation, which entrusted the development of the system, was established and became the representative director.

Director Dai Okui

He joined HIKARI TSUSHIN, INC. (Securities cord;9435). Through the business of capital partnerships and M & A, he became a leading director and auditor of group companies.

He had assumed CEO of a joint venture with Taiwan companies for two and a half years since 2018.


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